Meditation on a Tuesday morning 9.30am to 10.30am at St. George's Church.
A sacred space of peace and quiet.
We are a small group that follows the way of the World Community of Christian Meditation by using CDs coming from the beautiful old monastery Bonnevaux near Poitiers, France. The Meditation Community began in 1991 under the Benedictine monk Father John Main and is presently headed by Father Laurence Freeman.
The sessions begin with an opening prayer followed by a short talk from the CD. At the sound of a gong we sit silently for 20 minutes. Sitting still and upright with eyes closed we begin to say a single word (mantra) interiorly. At the end of the time of silence a bell sounds and music is played. A short reading follows and a final prayer is said together. The WCCM Website can be found at https://wccm australia.org.au.
Meditation is a spiritual discipline. We are not meant to achieve anything except being in God's presence, paying attention to the mantra as a sign of the love we have for God. In our life, paying attention to a loved one is a sign we love them, are interested in them and want the best for them. Meditation for me, brings a sense of order and peace with which to start and end the day. Fr Laurence teaches that through meditation we also learn about ourselves, and this self-knowledge helps us to know God. I have learnt to listen to my thoughts and use this awareness to discern right from wrong. It is also said there are health and mental benefits deriving from meditation, with which I agree.
For more information please contact Barbara Fulcher, at (07) 5545 2226