22 October Bulletin


The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain 

22nd October 2023 

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain                           St. Luke’s, Canungra

2 Dapsang Drive,                                                                                 15-21 Kidston Street,

Tamborine Mountain                                                                           Canungra

Sunday: 10.00am Eucharist                                                      Sunday: 8.00am Eucharist

                4.00 pm Eucharist

We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.

Sentence for the Day 

Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar ’s, and to God the things that are God’s.

Matthew 22.21

Collect of the Day

Almighty and everlasting God,

in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations:

grant that your Church throughout the world

may persevere with steadfast faith

in proclaiming the cross to be the way that leads to life eternal;

through Jesus Christ our Lord,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen


Liturgy:  via PowerPoint + APBA   Colour – Green


Exodus 33.12-23; Psalm 99; 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10; Matthew 25.15-33

We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.

A note from Helen

How well do you ‘know’ God.  Most of us would probably say we have had ‘encounters’ with God in our lives, but those encounters do not allow us to encounter the ‘whole’ of God.  We are privy to God up to the limit of our understanding, and that means we can never truly ‘know’ God.  Moses encounters God on a fairly regular basis while he is leading the people of Israel to the promised land, but these encounters are not ‘face to face’, Moses encounters God in ‘the cloud’ on the top of the mountain and today, he is shielded from ‘seeing’ God by being put into a crevice and his view shielded by ‘God’s hand’ and then, when God as passed by, he is able to see God ‘from behind’.  But even though we will never get to see the whole of God, until we meet in eternity, God is very present to all of us, God reveals Godself to us within the limits of our understanding.  And everyone’s ‘knowledge’ of God would differ in the same way as the eight sight-impaired persons ‘knowledge’ of the elephant differed because they all encountered the elephant from a different angle and side.  None of them ‘saw’ the whole elephant, and none of us can see the whole of God.


Stewardship Thought

1. What does ‘living in the way of Christ’ mean for us/you?

2. How do we/you live in the way of Christ?

Safe Work Month think safe - work safe - be safe - 365 days a year.

Health and safety in our community is vital for everyone’s well-being.

We are all responsible for maintaining a safe place for us to worship and share fellowship.

Please take some action if you see a situation that might be a potential safety issue.

Working bee – de Voil Room. 

Our primary focus for this room is cleaning out the cupboards, so it would be really good if anyone/all who are aware of the ‘history’ of what is in the cupboards could join us on Saturday 4 November from 9am.

2024 Calendars  have arrived.  If you ordered one, they are ready for collection after payment.  Please either bring your monies to the office or place it in an envelope clearly marked ‘Calendar’ and your name.


Introit                  143        Immortal, invisible

Gradual              452        God of mercy, God of grace

Offertory            670        Jesus put this son into my heart

Missional           446        Glorious things of you are spoken

Intercessions prepared by Anne

Faithful God, sometimes our faith feels weak. The trials of life test our faith and we find it hard to rejoice.  Help our faith to grow and help us realise that it is the most important thing in our lives. Show us how to rise above our human weaknesses and to grow stronger in our Christian Faith.

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Creator God, we pray for your world. Forgive us when we are ungrateful, when lack of faith and spiritual blindness prevents us from appreciating the wonder of your creation and the endless cycle of nature.  Forgive us for taking without giving; reaping without sowing.  We especially remember those who work with the land here in the Scenic Rim suffering so badly from the lack of rain.

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Living God, we pray that we may stand firm in our faith as we show your love and understanding to one another.  Strengthen those who guide us in this time.  We pray for Archbishop-elect Jeremy, Bishop John, Rev’d Helen and those retired clergy in our congregations who continue to daily serve you and your people Centre our hearts on your teachings to lead us forward in your will. 

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Living God, we pray for the hungry and the homeless, the broken and bereaved. For all for whom this day brings sadness and little joy, for the sick, lonely and the helpless, for those whose hope has been shattered and their faith destroyed.

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Everlasting God, we pray for those approaching death, that through our prayers they may know themselves accompanied with love on that journey. We pray for those who have died, that they may come to know the full joy of heaven.

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Be with us Lord in the week ahead as we go out into the world. May the lips that have sung your praises always speak the truth, may the ears which have heard your word listen only to what is good and may our lives as well as our worship be always pleasing in your sight for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.

In faith we pray, we pray to you our God.

Pray for Archbishop-elect Jeremy  - Rev’d Helen.

You are our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Grant that what we have asked for in faith we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen

Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month

Phil Oldenburg, Dawn Page.

October Retiring Collection:  Turning Canungra Pink

Started in 2010, Turning Canungra Pink has become a month-long festival of fundraising and awareness of all types of cancer. This event was started by a local business owner, herself a breast cancer survivor. Funds raised are donated 50% to Cancer Council Queensland and 50% to Pink Assist, a fund used to provide support to local people with cancer. In 2022 a record amount of $84,385 was raised

Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival

Do you have any suggestions for what our Scarecrow could be.  We would like to continue the ‘season of creation’ theme.  Come join us in making our scarecrow on Wednesday 25 Oct.  Share your suggestions with Kristy or Helen.

Emergency Relief @ St George’s  

Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232

Upcoming Events

Sunday 22nd October                Parish Council Meeting 11.30    

Wednesday 25th October         St George’s Scarecrow construction

Saturday 4th November            Working Bee de Voil Room (note change of date)

Sunday 12th November             Ministry Sunday


Footsteps                     Sun      10.00am@ St George’s

Roslyn Lodge              1st/3rd Mon 10.30am

Little Lukies                 Mon      3:00pm @ St Luke’s

Meditation                    Tue       9.30am @ St George’s  

Wally Wombat Club     Wed      9.30am @ St Georges

Bible Study                  Wed      11.00am@ St Luke’s (in recess)

Friday Bible Study       Fri        10:00am Fortnightly. (1st & 3rd)


Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Helen Paget  0492 488 330  


Churchwarden    Delma McCrea 07 5545 1856       delma.mccrea@live.com

Churchwarden    Peta Tierney     0413 258 332     peta.tierney@hotmail.com

Priests with Permission to Officiate:

The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen

Parish Office

Phone:  5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30-2.30

Email:   tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com

Parish Bank Details:  BSB 704-901      Account No. 00000450

Readings for Next Week Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

Deuteronomy 34.1-12; Psalm 90.1-6, 13-17; 1Thessalonians 2.1-1.3; Matthew 22.34-46


29 October 2023


15 October Bulletin