26th November Bulletin
The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
26th November 2023
First Sunday of Advent
St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain St. Luke’s, Canungra
2 Dapsang Drive, 15-21 Kidston Street,
Tamborine Mountain Canungra
Sunday: 10.00am Eucharist Sunday: 8.00am Eucharist
4.00 pm Eucharist
We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.
Sentence for the Day
‘Heaven and earth will pass away,’ says the Lord,
‘but my words will not pass away.’
Mark 13.31
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
through long generations you prepared a way
for the coming of your Son,
and by your Spirit
you still bring light to illumine our paths:
renew us in faith and hope
that we may welcome Christ to rule our thoughts
and claim our love;
to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
Liturgy: via PowerPoint + APBA Colour – Purple
Isaiah 64.1-9; Psalm 80.1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 1.1-9; Mark 13.24-37
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh Nation, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.
A note from Helen
This week we commence our 4 week ‘journey’ to Christmas. We wait, and we anticipate the birth of the one who came to save us. We wait to become our deepest selves, to live by love, to fulfill our dreams and God’s dream of peace. We await God’s creative transformation. Our passage from Isaiah questions whether God has abandoned us because of our actions, it suggests that our abandoning of God’s ways makes us unaware of God’s presence in our lives and restricts God’s role in shaping our lives. Do our actions restrict what God can do in the world? Has our waywardness created an irreparable hole between us and God, or will God overcome our sinfulness through creative and redemptive love.
Christmas Service Times
20th December - Carols by Torchlight - St Luke’s 6.30pm
24th December - Christmas Eve Pageant on the Lawn - St George’s 5.00pm
24th December - Midnight Eucharist - St George’s - 11.30pm
25th December - Christmas Eucharist-St Luke’s 8.00am & St George’s-10.00am
Please note: no morning services on Sunday 24th. Talk to Helen if this was going to be your only opportunity for church over Christmas.
Christmas Market - 2 December.
SET-UP: Friday 1 December If you have small/card tables, and/or Christmas tinsel could you bring them on Friday as we set up. Please ensure your table/s is named.
BOOKS: good, clean, tidy books; can be left in the Georgian Room.
TRASH & TREASURE: Surprise us. Nothing electrical, please.
CRAFT: Nimble fingers and creative ideas items.
PLANTS: only on "set-up day Friday 1 Dec".
JAMS & PRESERVES: Are you a jam maker? (write ingredients on the jar).
CAKES: Deliver on set-up day or before 8am on the Day (ingredients on label)
RAFFLE: Tickets will be available for distribution from Val B.
PRE-LOVED STALL, Contact Rev’d Helen to arrange access to rectory garage for storage.
AGM 1 Dec 10 so please prayerfully consider who you think are being called to serve this parish as either warden, nominator, synod rep, council member. Nomination forms are available at the entrance of the church. Ideally nominations should be made on or before Nov 24.
Children’s Service: On 24 Dec at 5pm we will have our children’s service. We need cast, helpers, audience, backstage crew. And lots of children. If you are willing to help, please let us know.
Introit 464 Seek, O seek the Lord
Gradual 156 Morning is broken
Offertory 135 All things bright and beautiful
Missional 209 And can it be
Intercessions – prepared by Jan A
Awesome God, we praise you and acknowledge you as Lord of our lives. May we always be attuned to your voice. As we read your word and seek to live our lives according to your will, may we always seek your face. Lead us as we care for your creation. We cry out to you to guide us on your chosen path.
For your promises of love and forgiveness, we give you thanks, O God.
Awesome God, we thank you that you always keep your promises. You have promised that all who trust in you will share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that we may stand firm in our faith as we show your love and understanding to one another. Strengthen those who guide us in this time. We pray for Archbishop elect Jeremy, Bishop John, Reverend Helen and those retired clergy in our congregations who continue to daily serve you and your people. Centre our hearts on your word to lead us forward in your will. May the Holy Spirit be alive in our hearts and minds each day.
For your promises of love and forgiveness, we give you thanks, O God.
Awesome God, you have called us all to love and care for one another. Fill our hearts with your love that we may minister to our community. We pray for all those in areas of conflict in the world. Hear their cries for help we beg and guide the peacemakers to reach a peaceful solution. Help us to be still, to turn our eyes to you and hear your voice guiding us. We thank you Father God that in caring for those in need we may be a witness for your love. We thank you for all those who work with children and their families each week in our parish and community activities.
For your promises of love and forgiveness, we give you thanks, O God.
Awesome God, as you weep with those who weep and are in need we pray especially for all who are physically sick or suffering. Give physical and spiritual strength to those who care for them. Use each of us, we pray, to ease the burdens of those around us. Centre our thoughts on you, dear God and fill us with your peace which passes all understanding.
For your promises of love and forgiveness, we give you thanks, O God.
Awesome God, we thank you for the lives which have been lived to your honour and glory, for those who have witnessed of your infinite love and now are with you for eternity. We pray for your comfort to be with the families of those whose yearly remembrance occurs at this time. We thank you for the sure and certain knowledge that in your time we will join with those who have gone before us to praise and worship you forever.
For your promises of love and forgiveness, we give you thanks, O God.
You are our God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Grant that what we have asked for in faith we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen
Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month
Elizabeth Marshall, Joe Armstrong, Harold Ellis, Jean Cooke.
November Retiring Collection: Archbishop’s 2023 November appeal
This year the Archbishop’s November appeal is in aid of the Solomon Islands Climate Change and Disaster Management Project sponsored by the Anglican Board of Mission. Your donation will help local communities prepare for disasters, increase food security and address the adverse impacts of climate change.
Emergency Relief @ St George’s
Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232
Sunday 26 November Christingle Service 4pm @ St Luke’s
Saturday 2 December Christmas Markets @ St George’s
Sunday 10 December Parish AGM1 11.00am @ St George’s
Tuesday 12 Dec Coffee in Canungra 11.00am @ Metz
Wednesday 20 December St Luke’s Carols 6.30pm
Sunday 24 December Children’s Christmas service 4pm @ St G
Footsteps Sun 10.00am@ St George’s
Roslyn Lodge 1st/3rd Mon 10.30am
Little Lukies Mon 3:00pm @ St Luke’s (in recess)
Meditation Tue 9.30am @ St George’s
Wally Wombat Club Wed 9.30am @ St Georges (in recess)
Bible Study Wed 11.00am@ St Luke’s (in recess)
Friday Bible Study Fri 10:00am Fortnightly. (1st & 3rd)
Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Helen Paget 04 9248 8330
Churchwarden Delma McCrea 07 5545 1856 delma.mccrea@live.com
Churchwarden Peta Tierney 04 1325 8332 peta.tierney@hotmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate:
The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen
Parish Office
Phone: 5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30-2.30
Email: tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com
Parish Bank Details: BSB 704-901 Account No. 00000450
Readings for Next Week Second Sunday of Advent (Purple)
Isaiah 40.1-11; Psalm 85.1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3.8-15a; Mark 1.1-8