3rd December Bulletin


The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain

3rd December 2023

Second Sunday of Advent

St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain                           St. Luke’s, Canungra

2 Dapsang Drive,                                                                                 15-21 Kidston Street,

Tamborine Mountain                                                                          Canungra

Sunday: 10.00am Eucharist                                                      Sunday: 8.00am Eucharist

                4.00 pm Eucharist


We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.

Sentence for the Day

‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

For the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together.

Luke 3.4; Isaiah 40.5a

Collect of the Day

Merciful God,

you sent your messengers the prophets

to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation:

give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins,

that we may greet with joy

the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever. Amen. 

Liturgy:  via PowerPoint + APBA   Colour – Purple


   Isaiah 40.1–11; Psalm 85.1–2, 8–13; 2 Peter 3.8–15a; Mark 1.1–8

We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh Nation, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.

A note from Helen

Our Isaiah reading today continues our Advent theme of preparation.  Something is coming, something is about to happened, something that will change everything we know, and the way of God’s coming needs to be prepared for, in our highways and byways and in our spiritual journeying.  Our reading has lots of interesting images, comfort and restoration, punishment and amnesty, human mortality and divine immortality, divine strength and divine tenderness.  We will find comfort and recovery beyond the destruction and the whole earth will proclaim God’s reign of healing and transformation.  Love will abound in a glorious new age for both Israel and the whole Earth.   Recovery and renewal are also seen in our Psalm.  A wayward nation is pardoned, and justice is transformed to healing and unity.  A new people will emerge free and joyful and in communion with their liberating God.


Christmas Service Times

20th December - Carols by Torchlight - St Luke’s 6.30pm

24th December - Christmas Eve Pageant on the Lawn - St George’s 5.00pm

24th December - Midnight Eucharist - St George’s - 11.30pm

25th December - Christmas Eucharist-St Luke’s 8.00am & St George’s-10.00am

Please note: no morning services on Sunday 24th. Talk to Helen if this was going to be your only opportunity for church over Christmas.

Christmas Market A big thank you to all who helped on the day.

Tamborine Gospel Choir We thank the Tamborine Gospel Choir for joining us at St George's and blessing us with their singing.

AGM 1 Dec 10   Please prayerfully consider who you think are being called to serve this parish as either warden, nominator, synod rep, council member.  Nomination forms are available at the entrance of the church.  Ideally nominations should be made on or before Nov 24.  So PLEASE hand your completed nomination forms to Helen TODAY.

Children’s Service:  On 24 Dec at 4pm we will have our children’s service.  So we need cast, helpers, audience, backstage crew.  And lots of children.  If you know of children who you think would like to be part of this, or at least attend this, I encourage you to encourage them.  If you are willing to ‘be’ a cast member, helper, or backstage crew, please let us know.


Introit                571       Forth in your name

Gradual            272       Come thou long-expected Jesus

Offertory           265       O come, o come, Emmanuel

Missional          647       Comfort, comfort

Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month: Sylvia Tomlinson, Yvonne Cossins, George Curtis, May Finch, Nancy Lovell, Garry Mailer, Beryl Jenyns, Tom Powell, Sylvia Perkins, Raymond Curtis, Vincent Youngman, Jean Jenyns, Wendy Lyne, Robin Keeley
Intercessionsprepared by Anne K

Everlasting God, as we journey through this season of Advent, seeking to make our paths straight for His coming, we now offer our prayers and petitions through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

 We pray for the church throughout the world and in this country. We pray for St. Luke’s and St. George’s, for Archbishop elect Jeremy, Bishop John our regional bishop and Helen our priest - and for all who serve in various positions in our parish and who have submitted their names for our parish AGM next week. We pray that we may all benefit from various gifts that we all have to offer in the service of Christ, that in faith and unity; we may be constantly renewed by your Holy Spirit for mission. 

And the peace of God, that passes all understanding

Dear Lord - we pray today for peace in our world, and an end to violence. May there be peace in our homes and hearts so that we may live and work together in a spirit of peace and harmony. Remind us all that we share your world with others. Purify the minds and attitudes of men and women in leadership, especially the media, so that they present a more peaceful view of our world, rather than violent images. May the world know the peace of Christ, without which society loses its direction and ignores our deep desire for peace.
And the peace of God, that passes all understanding

Give grace to us, our families and friends and to all our neighbours, that we may serve Christ in one another and love as he loves us. Help us to make our homes patterns of your love, places of mutual trust and forgiveness, places of true sharing and caring, places of deep joy and peace, and unite us all, one to another in the circle of your love. In this season of Advent, we celebrate the first coming of your Son to us in Bethlehem, may we joyfully anticipate the day when Christ will come again. May our Advent season be a preparation for the day when we are taken into the joy of heaven, where waiting will be no more, and all our hopes will be fulfilled.
And the peace of God, that passes all understanding

God our Father, we remember before you any who are suffering from any form of illness. We pray for any who are anxious, sorrowful, or in any kind of need at this time. We pray especially for loved ones and those who are known to us who are ill or in any kind of need. We remember them now in the quietness of our hearts or name out aloud………..We know that you love them, and know their every need, far better than we do. We ask that you will do for them as you see best, and bless them with your love and peace.
And the peace of God, that passes all understanding

Heavenly Father we thank you for those who have died in the faith of Christ. We thank you for allowing us to share our lives with them. We pray for those who mourn. Open their minds that they may find a new direction in life and grant them the comfort of your presence.

Prayer for Archbishop elect Jeremy – Rev’d Helen

Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers, Grant that what we have asked in faith we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.

December Retiring Collection: Christmas Bowl Appeal – Act for Peace

Share God’s love so refugees are not forgotten this Christmas.

Since 1949, compassionate Christians like you have followed Rev Frank Byatt’s legacy, coming together each Christmas across Australia and the world to provide safety in exile for people forced from their homes by conflict and disaster. Your gift through the Christmas Bowl will support local partners to meet urgent needs and help create a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong.

Emergency Relief @ St George’s 

Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232 


Sunday 10 December               Parish AGM#1 11.00am @ St George’s

Tuesday 12 Dec                       Coffee in Canungra 11.00am @ Metz

Wednesday 20 December         St Luke’s Carols 6.30pm

Sunday 24 December               Children’s Christmas service 4pm @ St G

Sunday 24 December               Midnight service 11.30pm @ St George’s

Monday 25 December              Xmas services 8am @ St L & 10am @ St G

Sunday 11 February                 Parish AGM#2 11.00am @ St George’s


Footsteps                     Sun      10.00am@ St George’s

Roslyn Lodge              1st/3rd    Mon 10.30am

Little Lukies                 Mon      3:00pm @ St Luke’s (in recess)

Meditation                    Tue       9.30am @ St George’s  

Wally Wombat Club     Wed      9.30am @ St Georges (in recess)

Bible Study                  Wed      11.00am@ St Luke’s (in recess)

Friday Bible Study       Fri        10:00am Fortnightly. (1st & 3rd)


Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Helen Paget     04 9248 8330        helen.paget@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Churchwarden    Delma McCrea 07 5545 1856    delma.mccrea@live.com

Churchwarden    Peta Tierney 04 1325 8332       peta.tierney@hotmail.com

Priests with Permission to Officiate:

The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen

Parish Office

Phone:  5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30-2.30

Email:   tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com

Parish Bank Details:  BSB 704-901      Account No. 00000450

Readings for Next Week Third Sunday of Advent (Purple)

   Isaiah 61.1–4, 8–11; Song of Mary;

   1 Thessalonians 5.12–28;  John 1.6–8, 19–28


10th December Bulletin


26th November Bulletin