31st March Bulletin
The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
31st March 2024
Easter Day
St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain
2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain
Saturday 4.00pm Eucharist & Sunday: 10.00am Eucharist
St. Luke’s, Canungra
15-21 Kidston Street, Canungra
Sunday: 8.00am Eucharist
We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.
Sentence for the Day
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Luke 24.34; Psalm 118.24
Collect of the Day
Brightness of God’s glory,
whom death could not conquer nor the tomb imprison:
as you have shared our frailty in human flesh,
help us to share your immortality in the Spirit;
let no shadow of the grave terrify us,
and no fear of darkness turn our hearts from you.
Reveal yourself to us this day and all our days,
as the First and the Last,
the Living One,
our immortal Saviour and Lord. Amen.
Liturgy: via PowerPoint + APBA Colour – White
Readings: Acts 10.34-43; Hymn to the Risen Christ; 1 Corinthians 15.1-11;
Mark 16.1-8
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.
Introit 362 Jesus Christ is risen today
Gradual 361 The day of resurrection
Offertory 278 O what a gift
Missional 390 Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
Intercessions – prepared by Keith Slater
Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ, for you have triumphed gloriously.
We pray for all your people and for your creation entrusted to us. Roll away the stones of hatred and greed. Transform us with your spirit of justice and peace, that all people may share in the freedom of your risen life.
Risen Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
We pray for your worldwide church: for our sisters and brothers in Christ, for Jeremy (Archbishop), John (Regional Bishop) and Helen (our Priest), for the peoples of this parish and for all who make or renew baptismal vows today.
Risen Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
We pray for the communities in which we live and work; for our families, our friends and all whom we love; for the forgotten and undervalued of society; and for those who ask for prayer at this time. Transform the lives of all who suffer that they may share in the hope of your risen life.
Risen Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
We give you thanks for your faithful people of every age: for those who have been living witnesses and examples to each of us. Transform our lives by your risen power, that we, with all the saints, may come to share in the glory of your risen life.
Risen Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Risen Lord, we offer our prayers to you this Easter Day. Amen.
(Prayers adapted from ‘Let us Pray’ by Janet Nelson, p.130)
Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month: Christopher Fulcher, Geoff Perkins, Tim Lyne, Matthew Power, Amber Mailer, John Vance
A note from Helen
This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! God has made this wonderful day, and rejoicing is the only thing we can do. Death no longer controls us, our future is open, and we are free to act boldly and lovingly. God is doing a new thing; the divine creativity brings forth new life with every new day and that creates life where death had appeared to win. Our resurrection stories witness to life bursting forth in the face of death. So let us keep rejoicing.
Watering Roster at St George’s
Now that our gardens have been spruced up and new plants added, we need to maintain them by regularly watering them. We need folks to water the garden twice a week on a weekly basis. If you would like to be involved, please sign the sheet at the back of the church. You will then be allocated a week in which you are responsible for the watering.
Cuppa in the Communi-tea
A big, “Thank-You!” to all of those who soldiered on in the wet weather and helped with the Cuppa in the Communi-tea fundraiser for St Luke’s on Tuesday. It was a great success.
Cake Stall Packaging
Sonya really needs the help of some inventive types to save her sanity. All that plastic wrapping used at our cake stalls is doing her head in. What’s the alternative? We know food hygiene/safety is the first priority. And the ideal presentation allows customers to inspect the goodies available. Any ideas?
Earth Overshoot Day
A country’s overshoot day is the date on which Earth Overshoot Day would fall if all of humanity consumed like the people in that country. Earth Overshoot Day is the average of all the country overshoot days.
There is some good news, Australia is responding positively as industry and governments are changing some of their policies and taking action to reduce our impact on the planet. The Australian Earth Overshoot Day has moved from the 23rd of March 2023 to the 5th of April 2024. We are beginning to move in the correct direction. It is still a long way back to the 31st of December, when we would only be using what the planet could regenerate in one year.
Let us celebrate this reversal and the progress!
Christian Life and Witness Course (April)
See brochures in entry
Treasurer’s Report Feb 2024
Parish Financial Summary
Feb Year-to-date Budget YTD
Total income $9,453 $20,509 $14,594
- Includes offerings $6,949 $15,466 $12,340
Total expenditure $12,137 $22,939 $27,564
March Retiring Collection: ABM’s Lent and Good Friday Appeal
Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, deprivation and vulnerability are not an option, but are the continuing reality of life. We invite you to support the Anglican Board of Ministry’s Lent and Good Friday Appeal, which continues the Lenten tradition of sacrificial giving and compassion. This appeal will help fund nutritional, education and support programs in Gaza, Sri Lanka and Kenya, which aim to improve the health and livelihoods of families, especially children, and those living with a disability.
Footsteps Sun 10.00am@ St George’s (in recess)
Wally Wombat Club Sun 10.00am @ St George’s (in recess)
Roslyn Lodge 1st/3rd Mon 10.30am
Little Lukies Mon 3:00pm @ St Luke’s (in recess)
Meditation Tue 9.30am @ St George’s
Bible Study Wed 11.00am@ St Luke’s
Friday Bible Study Fri 10:00am Fortnightly
SLAngers Fri 6:00pm Fortnightly (in recess)
(St Luke’s Youth Group)
Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Helen Paget 0492 488 330
Churchwarden Peta Tierney 0413 258 332 peta.tierney@hotmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate:
The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen
Parish Office
Phone: 5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30-2.30
Email: tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com
Parish Bank Details: BSB 704-901 Account No. 00000450
Readings for Next Week Second Sunday of Easter (White)
Acts 4.32-37; Psalm 133; 1 John 1.1-2.2; John 20.19-31