7th July Bulletin

The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain

7 July 2024

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain
2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain 
Saturday 4:00pm Eucharist &
Sunday: 10:00am Eucharist

St. Luke’s, Canungra
15-21 Kidston Street, Canungra
Sunday: 8:00am Eucharist

We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.

Sentence for the Day
Of Jesus many said, ‘What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands!’
Mark 6:2


O Lord our God,

you are always more ready to bestow

your good gifts upon us than we are to seek them;

and more willing to give than we desire or deserve:

in our every need, grant us the first and best of all your gifts,

the Spirit who makes us your children.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever.


Liturgy: via PowerPoint + APBA Colour – Green

Readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.


Introit………….699       A new commandment

Gradual……….653       This is a day of new beginnings

Offertory……...417      Loving Spirit

Missional……..531       Sent forth by God’s blessing

Intercessions adapted from Traces of Glory by David Adam

Lord, come into our weakness with your power, touch our eyes that they may behold your glory.  Grant, O Lord, that your church may lead many to you; we pray for the outreach and mission of the faithful, for all who teach the faith and pass it on by example, for all who are quiet witnesses to what they believe, for each in their vocation and ministry.

Lord have mercy,

            have mercy on us.

God of love, guide communities which are growing in fellowship and in understanding.  Direct all who are seeking to build up community life.  We pray for our children’s ministry, and for their leaders.  We seek your blessing upon this land and upon your world.

Lord have mercy,

            have mercy on us.

Father, strengthen our bonds of love.  We pray that children may be brought up with respect and freedom, that each may have proper spiritual nourishment.  We pray for all who are undervalued or taken for granted, for the unnoticed workers in our community, for refuse collectors and street cleaners.

Lord have mercy,

            have mercy on us.

We pray for all who have suffered hardship, persecution or calamity this week: for those inured in accidents or suddenly taken ill.   We pray for …… and those known to us whom we name aloud or in the silence of our hearts.  We pray for all with the gifts of healing, for all who anoint the sick.

Lord have mercy,

            have mercy on us.

Lord, give life to our loved ones departed, especially …. whose years mind occurs at this time.  Give them joy and peace in your eternal kingdom.

Lord have mercy,

            have mercy on us.

Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers, grant that what we have asked in faith we may by our grace receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month:  

Gordon Marshall, Gloria Watterton, Mollie Ellis, Ted Karamisheff, Audrey Giltinan, Norma Anderson, Helen Emmett, Dennis Fulcher.

A note from Helen

Our gospel and Paul’s letter inspire us to ‘live abundantly within limitations’. Jesus and Paul persist despite limitations of health and belief. God’s vision for each moment is the best possibility for the concrete world in which we live. However, God cannot ‘force’ changes in our lives when we are not open to them or willing to accept them. If we are not open to God working through our lives, God is limited in being able to effect change. These readings invite us to go beyond ‘zero sum’ scarcity thinking and embrace ‘open system’ abundance thinking. Within the limitations of what we call ‘reality’ we can find a deeper reality, the energetic movement of God supporting us and bursting forth if we are ready to be open to it.


Coffee in Canungra: Tuesday July 9

Come and join us for coffee in Canungra on Tuesday, July 9, 11:00am at Bean In (40-42 Christie Street, Canungra).

Untold Histories: Saturday July 20

Aunty Sanda King, a Yagara, Quandamooka, and Bundjalung Elder, will be at St George’s Tamborine Mountain to present ‘Untold Histories’, an insight into First Nation People’s history that many of us may not have heard or discussed, without bias, at school. It intertwines Australia’s history, in particular the impacts of past policies and legislation with Sandra’s own life and the life of her community. It will be an opportunity to broaden our knowledge and awareness of Australia’s Untold History. All are welcome, bring your friends, your families, bring anyone you can think of, on July 20, 10am-1pm.

Family home destroyed by fire - Can you help?

This week, a local single-parent family, with three children, has had their house destroyed by fire. They have been left with only their pyjamas. If anybody has anything they can give or do to help this family, please let Chappy Jodie Wooden know. Jodie – 0400 248 802

2024 Season of Creation Art and Photography Exhibition

OPEN CALL For Photographers, Writers, and Artists!

The theme for Season of Creation this year is "To hope and act with creation" and the symbol "The first fruits of hope", inspired by Romans 8:19-25.  Accepted artworks are to be displayed at St John's Cathedral, Brisbane throughout September to celebrate the Season of Creation. Upload your creations at www.fb.com/QCEnvNet or email to admin@qct.org.au. Artworks can be posted or delivered to Queensland Churches Together.  Please email admin@qct.org.au or call 07 3369 6792 to arrange delivery.

Photos and artworks should be submitted by 5th August 2024.

Chappy Fundraising Dinner – Save the Date!

Monday 29th of July at 6pm is the Annual Chappy fundraising Dinner. Come along and support the chappies and our own Chappy Jodie Wooden. CMS dining room QCCC, Beacon Rd Tamborine Mountain.

If you can donate a gift, suitable for a balloon lucky number prize, please give it to Rae in John’s absence.

Treasurer’s Report May 2024
Parish Financial Summary May YTD Budget YTD
Total income $12,375 $59,484 $46,185
- Includes offerings $6,872 $36,912 $30,850
Total expenditure $16,076 $69,922 $74,055

July Retiring Collection:  AUSNEP

2024 marks 16 years of Ausnep Australia - Helping Where It Matters.

Ausnep's vision is to provide a health link between two countries; providing free surgeries, pain management interventions, dental procedures, & public health to those who have no means to access health care, in both remote & urban regions of Nepal. Ausnep also provides ongoing education to health professionals.

Emergency Relief @ St George’s 

Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232 


Tuesday July 9             Coffee in Canungra 11:00am @Bean In

Saturday July 20          Untold Histories 10am-1:30pm @St George’s

Sunday July 21            Parish Council meeting 11:15am @ St George’s

Sunday July 28            Commitment Sunday

Monday July 29           Chappy Fundraising Dinner 6pm QCCC Beacon Rd.


Footsteps                    Sun      10:00am@ St George’s (in recess)

Wally Wombat Club     Sun      10:00am @ St George’s (in recess)

Roslyn Lodge              1st/3rd    Mon 10:30am

Little Lukies                 Mon      3:00pm @ St Luke’s

Meditation                   Tue      9:30am @ St George’s

Bible Study                  Wed     11:00am@ St Luke’s

Friday Bible Study       Fri        10:00am Fortnightly (Mt Tamborine)

SLAngers                     Fri        5:00pm Fortnightly


Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d Helen Paget

M: 0492 488 330 E: Helen.Paget@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Churchwarden: Peta Tierney

M: 0413 258 332 E: peta.tierney@hotmail.com

Priests with Permission to Officiate:

The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen

Parish Office:

Phone:  (07) 5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30am-2.30pm

Email:   tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com

Parish Bank Details:  BSB 704-901      Account No. 00000450

Readings for Next Week  Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – Green

2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:1-14; Mark 6:14-29


14th July Bulletin


30th June Bulletin