4th June 2023 Bulletin
The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
4th June 2023
Trinity Sunday
St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain St. Luke’s, Canungra
2 Dapsang Drive, 15-21 Kidston Street,
Tamborine Mountain Canungra
Sunday: 10.00am Eucharist Sunday: 8.00am Eucharist
4.00 pm Eucharist
We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.
Sentence for the Day
Proclaim the Name: ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.’
Exodus 34.6
Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God,
you have given to us your servants grace
by the confession of a true faith
to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity,
and in the power of the divine majesty
to worship the Unity:
keep us steadfast in this faith,
and evermore defend us from all adversities,
for you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Collect of Commitment
Almighty God, we thank you for all the gifts You have given us: our lives, our loved ones, all that we have and all that we are. Most of all, we thank You for Jesus, your Son and our Redeemer, who came among us to show us the way to eternal life. Jesus was the perfect steward of your gifts, showing that complete trust in You is necessary, and that giving of self is a most important part of following Him. May the offerings of our time, our talents, and our material resources be made in the same spirit of sacrifice that Jesus taught us by His life and death for us.
Liturgy: via PowerPoint + APBA Colour – White
Readings: Exodus 34.1-8; Song of the Three Young Men 29-34; 2 Corinthians 13.11-13; Matthew 28.16-20
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh Nation, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.
A note from Helen
The Trinity is one of those ‘unexplainable’ doctrine of the church which most people shy away from because it is just that – unexplainable; and anyone who thinks they have ‘nailed it’ probably is bordering on heresy, or at least probably has it very wrong. But I found this comforting advice in my readings this week. Rather than trying to explain the Trinity, why not focus on explaining how we can be Trinitarian people. (with thanks to David Lose of Working Preacher), can we see ourselves as ‘called and sent by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed for the sake of the world God created and loves so much’. Which, David suggests, is the Trinity backwards. We believe that God and the Holy Spirit make it possible for us to recognise and believe the good news of God the Son who, in turn, reveals to us the loving heart and mission of God the Father. Which means, we, as Trinitarian people see ourselves as called to mission by the Trinitarian God we confess.
Commitment Sunday - 18 June
As we prepare for Commitment Sunday this year, how do we/you live in the way of Christ?
Parish Website
Remember that you can always find a copy of Parish Bulletins and Helen’s sermons on the parish website. Any help with updating the calendar and photo gallery would be appreciated. Instructions will be provided.
Please note: Because the parish office no longer has a paid office assistant, parishioners who have any office needs are asked to speak to Rev’d Helen
Stamps for ABM
Stamps for ABM are delivered to Synod annually. Please bring yours along in the next two weeks.
Introit 465 Father in heaven, grant to your children– St Luke’s
693 Come as you are- St George’s
Gradual Trinity Song
Offertory 405 Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me– St Luke’s
The Summons- St George’s
Missional 526 Lord Jesus Christ you have come to us – St Luke’s
687 God gives us a future- St George’s
Intercessions – prepared by John N
This is the Day that the Lord has made..Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Let us first thank God for the wonderful world in which we live, and for all the living creatures on the land, in the sea and in the air which share God’s creation with us. May we always be mindful that we are keepers of these gifts for all those who will come after us.
Lord, in your mercy ....Hear our prayer
We thank God for the peace and prosperity in which we live here in Australia and pray for so many places around the world where there is strife and civil conflict, particularly in Ukraine and Sudan. We pray for all who have been forced to abandon their homes and loved ones and those who have fled to other countries where they are treated as strangers, and for all agencies who try to help them through these difficulties. We pray for all who have no option but to live under corrupt and incompetent governments, and where there is no access for justice such as we have here,
Lord, in your mercy ....Hear our prayer
We pray for Anglican churches all around the world and for their leaders as they seek ways to proclaim the Gospel in difficult and sometimes hostile environments. We pray for Cameron, our Bishop Elect, our regional bishop John, our priest Helen, and for John C and Alan P in their work, and we pray for God’s guidance in ways we can bring more into our community.
Lord, in your mercy ....Hear our prayer
We pray for those who work in our local emergency services, ambulance, police and fire services and for all who provide us with medical help in our daily lives. At this time we pray for all who are suffering from domestic violence and can see no way to avoid it, for those who have nowhere to sleep at night and for all those who work in voluntary services giving help and guidance to those most in need.
Lord, in your mercy ....Hear our prayer
We thank God for our health and strength and pray for all who at this time are suffering long or short term illness, that your presence may give them comfort and relief. Particularly we pray for.....and we thank God for the lives of those whom we have known but are no longer with us... Together we say:
Go before us, O Lord, in all our doings with your most gracious favour and assist us with your continual help, that in all works, begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name and finally by your mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
(Prayer for a new Archbishop – Helen)
Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers, Grant that what we have asked in faith, we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
June Retiring Collection: Discipleship of the Good Shepherd
DGS Africa is now extending into the Christian nurture of toddlers and babies and the unborn child, realising that the newly created human life comes from God and has a deep hunger to be close to Jesus. There is work happening in this early life nurture in churches in very poor areas. As well DGS now likes to start new plants with toddlers formation and is looking for support for initial set up in an Anglican Diocese in Cameroon, West Africa.
Emergency Relief @ St George’s
Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232
Upcoming Events
Sunday 18 June Commitment Sunday
Tuesday 13 June Coffee in Canungra – OWL Café
Friday 23 – Sunday 25 Synod
Monday 17 July Chaplaincy Dinner
Footsteps Sun 10.00am@ St George’s
Roslyn Lodge 1st/3rd Mon 10.30am
Little Lukies Mon 3:00pm @ St Luke’s
Meditation Tue 9.30am @ St George’s
Wally Wombat Club Wed 9.30am @ St Georges
Bible Study Wed 11.00am@ St Luke’s
Friday Bible Study Fri 10:00am Fortnightly.
Locum Priest Rev’d Helen Paget 04 9248 8330
Churchwarden Delma McCrea
07 5545 1856 delma.mccrea@live.com
Churchwarden Peta Tierney
04 1325 8332 peta.tierney@hotmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate:
The Rev’d John Corner, The Ven Allan Paulsen
Parish Office
Phone: 5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30-2.30
Email: tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com
Parish Bank Details: BSB 704-901 Account No. 00000450
Readings for Next Week Second Sunday after Pentecost (Green)
Preparation Sunday
1 Samuel 8.4-11, 16-20; Psalm 128; 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1; Mark 3.20-35