15 September Bulletin
The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
15 September 2024
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - Creation 3
St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain
2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain
Saturday 4:00pm Eucharist &
Sunday: 10:00am Eucharist
St. Luke’s, Canungra
15-21 Kidston Street, Canungra
Sunday: 8:00am Eucharist
We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.
Sentence for the Day
Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for the sake of the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35
God of mercy,
help us to forgive
as you have forgiven us,
to trust you,
even when hope is failing,
and to take up our cross daily
and follow you
in your redeeming work;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Season of Creation Collect:
God of the living earth
You called us to be part of your beloved community,
baptised into one family through the sacred waters of life called to care together for your world.
Guide us as we work
to sustain our common home.
Help us to find the path to living in peace and harmony with all your creatures united by the divine dance of the Trinity.
Liturgy: via PowerPoint + APBA Colour – Green
Readings: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; James 2:18-26; Mark 8:27-38
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today
Intercessions - prepared by Keith Slater
Let us pray for this creation in which we live, and give thanks to God.
Generous God, your nature is ever to create and to share. In a world spiralling deeper into war, chaos and violence give us courage to be bearers of your love and builders of community.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Gracious God, you call us into relationship with you and with one another. Give us courage to hear your call and to share your love.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Ever-patient God, there are many demands upon us in our increasingly busy and chaotic world. Grant us courage to stop and to listen to you and to the wonder of this world in the midst of the advancing climate change.
Lord in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Loving God, you call us into your church, to be a community of brothers and sisters sharing love, sharing in the wonder of this creation. Encourage us to be beacons of light and hope in the many places of darkness. We pray for our leaders, for grace and wisdom.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Compassionate God, you walk alongside, you hold, you cradle us in our times of need. Give us compassionate hearts that we might be your hands and feet, eyes and ears and lips with those who are in need at this time. We pray especially for …….
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Eternal God, lord of all, we give you thanks for the many who have shaped and influenced our lives. Give us the courage to continue to witness to the faith that they shared with us.
Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.
Accept our prayers: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month:
Joy Powell, William Harris Wheildon, Laurel Youngman,
Riley Aiden Conn
Introit………….526 Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
Gradual……….746 The heavens shall declare the glory of his name
Offertory……...599 Take my life and let it be
Missional……..473 Community of Christ
A note from Helen
Wisdom is at the heart of today’s readings. Wisdom is a great teacher of humankind whose witness is present not only in the words of a teacher but also in the creative patterns of the universe and our planet. When we align ourselves with God’s wisdom, divine wisdom will motivate our words and actions. James’s passage could be summed up with the well-known prayer ‘let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O God, my strength and redeemer’. Words can hurt, and they can hurt terribly. James counsels us to use words that deepen our love with others. Words of gratitude, reconciliation, and affirmation can transform lives. James reminds us that language can harm others and hurt our cause if it lacks grace and understanding.
2025 Australian Anglican Church Calendars:
You may order your 2025 Australian Anglican Church Calendar now for $17 each. There is an order form at the entry of the church.
2025 Lectionaries may also be ordered at $17 each.
Pet Blessing – Bring your pets!
Sunday September 29: 8am at St Luke’s and 3pm at St George’s
Gardening Bee at St George’s
Thank-You to all of those who helped on Saturday😊
Parish Council Meeting
The Parish Council is meeting today, Sunday September 15, at 11:15am after church at St George’s.
Tuesday Meditations in recess
Tuesday Meditations at St George’s are now in recess while Barbara is currently unavailable to lead these sessions.
Springtime on the Mountain:
Friday September 27 and Saturday September 28, 10am – 4:00pm
St George’s Church is on the map for Springtime on the Mountain.
We would greatly appreciate if anyone is able to donate the following:
Children’s Tea Set, Flower arrangement, Foliage & flowers, Fairy lights.
Treasurer’s Report July 2024
Parish Financial Summary July Year-to-date Budget YTD
Total income $9,765 $76,077 $62,079
- Includes offerings $7,756 $49,905 $43,190
Total expenditure $13,674 $95,716 $103,191
July Retiring Collection for Ausnep Australia donation $360
September Retiring Collection:
Religious Instruction Books for Tamborine Mtn State School. RI books are used each week in lessons given by volunteers from churches in the area. The books are of a high standard and students take them home once completed.
Emergency Relief @ St George’s
Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232
Sunday Sept 15 Parish Council Meeting 11:15am at St George’s
Fri/Sat 27/28 Sept Springtime on the Mountain
Sunday Sept 29 Pet Blessing 8am at St Lukes & 10am at St George’s
Footsteps Sun 10:00am@ St George’s (in recess)
Wally Wombat Club Sun 10:00am @ St George’s (in recess)
Roslyn Lodge Mon 10:30am
Little Lukies Mon 3:00pm @ St Luke’s (in recess)
Meditation Tue 9:30am @ St George’s (in recess)
Bible Study Wed 11:00am@ St Luke’s
Friday Bible Study Fri 10:00am Fortnightly (Mt Tamborine)
SLAngers Fri 4:30pm Fortnightly (in recess)
Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d Helen Paget
M: 0492 488 330 E: Helen.Paget@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Churchwarden: Peta Tierney M: 0413 258 332 E: peta.tierney@hotmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate: The Rev’d John Corner
Parish Office: Phone (07) 5545 2919 Monday to Friday 9.30am-2.30pm
Email: tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Website: https://tamborinemtandcanungraanglican.com
Parish Bank Details: BSB 704-901 Account No. 00000450
Readings for Next Week
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Creation 4 – Green
Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1; James 3:1-12; Mark 9:30-37