2 February Bulletin

The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
2 February 2025

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple

St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain
2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain 
Saturday 4:00pm Eucharist &
Sunday: 10:00am Eucharist

St. Luke’s, Canungra
15-21 Kidston Street, Canungra
Sunday: 8:00am Eucharist

We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.

Sentence for the Day

My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.

Luke 2:30-32


Almighty and everliving God,

we humbly pray that,

as your only Son was presented in the temple

in accordance with the law,

 so we may be dedicated to you

with pure and clean hearts;

 through Jesus Christ our Lord,

 who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

 one God, now and for ever.



Readings: Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40


We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today.

Intercessions:  prepared by Di Ayscough

Heavenly Father: As we gather here today in your name to thank you and praise you for all you offer us through your Holy Church. We are blessed with so much - so much to be thankful for and so much to celebrate. Thank you, for our beautiful world filled with nature’s beauty of flowers, trees, birds, and wildlife. Thank you for our families and our friends – all of whom we can share our love with and reflect our Christian faith through what we do and say.

Heavenly Father, show us what our purpose is, and let me live according to your will.

Heavenly Father: Help the Anglican Church Body to walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have given them.  Grant us patience for one another, sharing with one another in love. Grant the Church Body, unity and wisdom. May Archbishop Jeremy continue to walk humbly with you and with your help, be able to demonstrate leadership as he continues his calling to lead the Church. We pray for Bishop John, Rev’d Helen and all who help to guide us in our faith. 

Heavenly Father, show us what our purpose is, and let me live according to your will.

Heavenly Father: We pray for our own nation. Australia is unique, it has bushfires, storms and floods. It has a great diversity of landscape and a great diversity of people and yet, we all have a common purpose, to respect each other and honour our differences. We ask that St George’s and St Luke’s continue to remain willing to support our local community and the many people in need.

Heavenly Father, show us what our purpose is, and let me live according to your will.

Heavenly Father: As we go forth into the world this day, let our every word be a prayer, and our every act be testimony to your love and truth. We hold before you those who are homeless, those in need and are hungry, especially as we journey through changing weather patterns. Draw near and comfort them in spirit and bless those who work to provide these people with shelter, food, and friendship. We pray for all school children and staff. Help those struggling to provide their children with their school needs and provide enough food to nourish them as they face many new challenges at the start of the new year.

Heavenly Father, show us what our purpose is, and let me live according to your will.

Heavenly Father: How can death give way to life? How can weakness be strength? Your word says Jesus, took on human flesh and suffered the worst kind of death. Help us to know, it is only through Jesus Christ that we can be saved. We pray for those who have departed this earth and pray they will be with you for eternity. Be with their families and friends. We especially remember those whose Year’s mind occurs at this time.

Heavenly Father, show us what our purpose is, and let me live according to your will.

Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers. Grant what we have asked in faith, we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month: Royston Colebourne, Ces Fritz, Myrtle Hollings, Clare Hunnybun, Christine Parker


Introit………………548   Eternal Light

Gradual……….......733   Lord God you now have set your servant free

Offertory…….........693    Come as you are

Missional………….446    Glorious things of you are spoken

Pew Reflection

Malachi is speaking to a community who have lost their way, they expected their fidelity to God would be rewarded on their return from exile.  But life continued to be difficult and they have lapsed into waywardness.  Malachi promises a ‘messenger’ will come to prepare the way for ‘the Lord’ to come into ‘his temple’.  This messenger will ‘purify and refine’ the priests (the descendants of Levi), and once again the offerings, on behalf of the people, will be pleasing to God.

The letter to the Hebrews couches the good news in Jewish terms, it sees Jesus as the great high priest.  God reveals Godself in the Church.  There is a close affinity between Jesus and his followers.



Our annual Emergency Relief fundraiser will be held Saturday Feb. 8 from 8:00am until sold out. Please think about what you might like to bake and be sure to label your goodies with the ingredients. You might also like to think about baking something gluten free.

St Luke’s Guild Meeting

St Luke’s Guild meeting will be held on Saturday the 8th of February at St Luke’s, 8 am bacon and eggs for breakfast, with meeting set to start at 8:30am.

Coffee in Canungra

Coffee in Canungra takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This month we are meeting at El Social at 11:00am on Tuesday February 11.

Everyone is welcome!


AGM#2 will be held on Sunday, February 16, 11:30 at St George’s. Thanks to all of those for submitting their reports. Thanks!

*Paper Copies of the reports are available at the church for those who didn’t receive them via email.

Treasurer’s Report December 2024
Parish Financial Summary
Total income
Dec $14,531
- Includes offerings $7,936
YTD $137,674
- Includes offering $82,318
Budget YTD $113,064
- Includes offering $74,040

Total expenditure
December $13,623
YTD $159,196
Budget YTD $165,752

December Retiring Collection for Christmas Bowl Appeal donation $456

February Retiring Collection: Bush Ministry Fund

The Bush Ministry Fund (BMF) was established in 1998. The aim of BMF is to maintain a caring ministry to families who live in towns and on properties in rural and remote areas. Through these grants clergy can visit any property and are available to offer care and spiritual support, not only to Anglicans, but to anybody who seeks assistance in the community.

Emergency Relief @ St George’s 

Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232 


Saturday Feb 8            Emergency Relief Fundraiser 8am @ St George’s

Saturday Feb 8            St Luke’s Guild Meeting 8am

Tuesday Feb 11           Coffee in Canungra 11am @ El Social

Sunday Feb 16             AGM#2 11:30 @ St George’s


Footsteps                    Sun      10:00am@ St George’s (restarts Feb 2)

Wally Wombat Club     Sun      10:00am @ St George’s (restarts Feb 2)

Roslyn Lodge              Mon      10:30am

Little Lukies                 Mon      3:00pm @ St Luke’s (restarts Feb 3)

Meditation                   Tue      9:30am @ St George’s (restarts Feb 4)

Bible Study                  Wed     11:00am@ St Luke’s (restarts Feb 19)

Friday Bible Study       Fri        10:00am Fortnightly (Mt Tamborine)

SLAngers                     Tue      4:00pm Fortnightly 1st & 3rd  (restarts Feb 4)


Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d Helen Paget

M: 0492 488 330 E: helen.paget@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Churchwarden: Peta Tierney M: 0413 258 332 E: peta.tierney@hotmail.com

Priests with Permission to Officiate: The Rev’d John Corner

Parish Office: Phone (07) 5545 2919  M: 0492 488 330

Email:  tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au

Website: https://tamborinemountain.anglicanchurchsq.org.au/ OR https://canungra.anglicanchurchsq.org.au/

Parish Bank Details:  BSB 704-901 Account No. 0000045

Readings for Next Week

9 February 2025, Fifth Sunday After Epiphany – Green

Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11


9 February Bulletin


26 January Bulletin