9 February Bulletin
The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain
9 February 2025
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
St. George’s, Tamborine Mountain
2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain
Saturday 4:00pm Eucharist &
Sunday: 10:00am Eucharist
St. Luke’s, Canungra
15-21 Kidston Street, Canungra
Sunday: 8:00am Eucharist
We are a Christian faith community living in the way of Christ accepting and welcoming all in loving service, growing Christ’s future on Earth.
Sentence for the Day
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and appeared to many.
1 Corinthians 15:3-4
Most holy God,
in whose presence angels serve in awe,
and whose glory fills all heaven and earth:
cleanse our unclean lips
and transform us by your grace
so that your word spoken through us
may bring many to your salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.
Readings: Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wanggeriburra people of the Yugambeh language region, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of the land on which we gather, and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people worshipping with us today
Intercessions: prepared by Barbara Fulcher
We praise you O God, we acknowledge you to be the Lord.
All the earth worships you the Father everlasting.
You made us in your image and you are in every living creature large and small, huge and tiny. We believe in you, help our unbelief.
We thank you for the beauty of the earth and all that we enjoy on the mountain. Give us knowledge and understanding to keep it as it should be. For we can be unthinking and lazy about it.
Creator God hear our prayer.
We pray for the Anglican Church worldwide and all people of faith in You. Give our leaders wisdom and understanding and to those being persecuted, courage to keep the faith. We remember especially Jewish people and pray for their persecutors.
We give thanks for dedicated police, firemen and women and volunteers, and those in the medical professions. In our diocese we pray for Archbishop. Jeremy Greaves, Bp John, Rev’d Helen, John Corner and his team ministering to children and all people feeling the call to be Chappies or to the priesthood. We give thanks and pray for them.
Loving God hear our prayer.
We pray for our community and all who live here, for our Mayor and council members, our Federal and State Representatives. Thank you, Lord, for artists and craft workers and all who add depth to our lives. Show us how to reach out to those who find it hard to believe in you, using opportunities that arise. Give us the right words to use.
Faithful God hear our prayer.
Lord God of our lives, we bring to you the sick, disabled and elderly and those who care for them. We pray for people who seek to improve their lives in every aspect. We pray especially for all people suffering wars and the aftermath doing the sad and difficult work clearing up the mess. Be present to families who have lost loved ones. Bear them up and bring them to know your presence within, the peace the world cannot give.
Almighty God you have promised to hear our prayers grant that what we have asked in faith we may by your grace receive, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Year’s Mind Anniversaries this month: Royston Colebourne, Ces Fritz, Myrtle Hollings, Clare Hunnybun, Christine Parker
Introit……………… In Christ Alone
Gradual……….......238 Christ is the world’s true light
Offertory…….........658 I the Lord of the sea and sky
Missional………….380 Yours be the glory
Pew Reflection
Pick me, pick me! It is the cry of enthusiastic children (and adults) eager to ‘get a go’ at sport or another activity. Our reading from Isaiah ends with a similar statement, although he humbly says ‘send me, here I am’. Isaiah knows that he is in a ‘thin place’, a place where heaven and earth seem to be one, where God can show up out of nowhere and transform our lives and the world. Isaiah is anointed by fire and then given a task. God needs him and God needs our gifts and creativity to transform our world. And sometimes we are ‘picked’ even when we are not looking for it. Paul recognises his past behaviours were destructive to the community following ‘the way’; he knows he is unworthy to lead any of them, yet he also acknowledges, humbly, that he has been ‘chosen’ to take Jesus’ message far and wide, especially to the Gentiles. We do not always get to utter ‘pick me’, or even ‘send me’; and sometimes we are picked for things we feel totally unequipped to undertake, we doubt our ability, our knowledge, our worthiness. But when God calls us, we can be assured that God will equip us, will travel with us, and will strengthen us for whatever it is we are asked to do.
Emergency Relief Cake Stall – Thank-You!
A very big thank you to everyone who baked, potted, cooked and helped in sale of our goods on Saturday. It is very much appreciated. The turnout was tremendous as folks around the Mountain are keen to support us and always enjoy our offerings.
Coffee in Canungra
Coffee in Canungra takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This month we are meeting at El Social at 11:00am on Tuesday Feb 11. All welcome!
AGM#2 will be held on Sunday, February 16, 11:30 at St George’s. Thanks to all of those for submitting their reports. Thanks!
*Paper Copies of the reports are available at the church for those who didn’t receive them via email.
Friday March 7@ 10am - World Day of Prayer, venue TBA
Treasurer’s Report December 2024
Parish Financial Summary
Total income
Dec $14,531 - Includes offerings $7,936
YTD $137,674 - Includes offering $82,318
Budget YTD $113,064 - Includes offering $74,040
Total expenditure
December $13,623
YTD $159,196
Budget YTD $165,752
December Retiring Collection for Christmas Bowl Appeal donation $456
February Retiring Collection: Bush Ministry Fund
The Bush Ministry Fund (BMF) was established in 1998. The aim of BMF is to maintain a caring ministry to families who live in towns and on properties in rural and remote areas. Through these grants clergy can visit any property and are available to offer care and spiritual support, not only to Anglicans, but to anybody who seeks assistance in the community.
Emergency Relief @ St George’s
Bank Details for EFT BSB 704-901 Acc. No 00015232
Tuesday Feb 11 Coffee in Canungra 11am @ El Social
Sunday Feb 16 AGM#2 11:30 @ St George’s
Footsteps Sun 10:00am@ St George’s
Wally Wombat Club Sun 10:00am @ St George’s
Roslyn Lodge Mon 10:30am
Little Lukies Mon 3:00pm @ St Luke’s
Meditation Tue 9:30am @ St George’s
Bible Study Wed 11:00am@ St Luke’s (restarts Feb 19)
Friday Bible Study Fri 10:00am Fortnightly (Mt Tamborine)
SLAngers Tue 4:00pm Fortnightly 1st & 3rd
Priest-in-Charge: Rev’d Helen Paget
M: 0492 488 330 E: helen.paget@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Churchwarden: Peta Tierney M: 0413 258 332 E: peta.tierney@hotmail.com
Priests with Permission to Officiate: The Rev’d John Corner
Parish Office: Phone (07) 5545 2919 M: 0492 488 330
Email: tamborinemountain@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Website: https://tamborinemountain.anglicanchurchsq.org.au/ OR https://canungra.anglicanchurchsq.org.au/
Parish Bank Details: BSB 704-901 Account No. 0000045
Readings for Next Week
16 February 2025, Sixth Sunday After Epiphany – Green
Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26